An introduction to the artist : Kim Dong Hyun

Based on my six-year career in interior architecture, I have continued to explore the complex interactions between art and design and have agonized over subtle details. I recognize that design is an expression of life itself and an area that is difficult to understand, beyond solving problems and meeting specific requirements. Space is closely related to our lives but at the same time exists as an abstract concept that is separate from us. Focusing on this duality, I have attempted to merge them into one, beyond simply combining form and structure. As a result, I expanded my creativity and understanding by exploring and expanding the symbolism of space through formative language. This interest led to me becoming a new entry into the field of sculpture at the Royal College of Art, and in the process, I considered deep exploration and research on how space can be expressed artistically and philosophically.


Just as one exclaimed after climbing the narrow stairs of the Greek town of Oia, ‘It reminds us that in order to feel alive, we need to be in jeopardy of our lives’ The human body would never have evolved on a desolate piece of land like the modern world. While this landscape is extremely safe and comfortable, it also deprives us of much and harms us for its monotonous, clichéd, and tranquil nature. Sometimes artists think that the unknown act of putting their readers' thoughts within their boundaries precedes violent concepts in art that are sometimes based on elitism. So, I'm trying to embrace and work on pluralism. To understand art in particular, one needs to understand the philosophical concepts of ‘idealism’ and ‘materialism’, and I'm going to apply them in interior space as well.

How can art be added to the space? Looking at the spatial margin shown in 'Ufan Lee's 'Relatum'<2015>, and James Turrell’s 'light and Space', I think it can be the starting point of 'art space' as interactive installation art. As a study on how to solve interior space artistically, I would like to study interior space as an object of art and philosophy rather than a visual object.


We are looking forward to various cooperation in spatial design and art.